Valeria Ferrara
Designer and Engineer
I am a chess FIDE and FSI trainer, engineer, event manager and professional photographer, in association with Ludwig Rettore I am a member of group Veturia, a multicultural association, and a major member of the ASD Il Castelletto Scacchi.
I am working with chess teaching and children every age since 2010. I am full professor in chess in elementary schools in Milano (IT) since 2014, in association with ChessProjects ASD and Il Castelletto ASD.
I teach in second grade schools and high schools, I had chess courses joined in cooperation with several Milan high schools. In 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 my trained team of high school Casiraghi Female participated in the national final rounds of school championship. In 2016 we reached our best result of 2nd place.
I also teach in kindergarten in association with Il Castelletto, in a project called “Chess and motion”, teaching 4-5 years old kids how to associate pieces with squares, and the basic movements of pawns and simple chess pieces like Rook and bishop.
- I also am a teacher in summer masterclasses with children and adolescents, in association with ChessProjects ASD and Il Castelletto ASD.
- I teach to adolescents also on Saturday mornings in masterclasses pointed towards advanced learners from elementary schools and second grade schools.
- I was also a part of a project in cooperation with Il Castelletto for small children in which I act as a big Rook called “Torroncio” (“Rookie”) and play simultaneous games with children. The costume you can see in the picture.
I organized the 49th and 50th Italian Top Legue in Gallipoli, where I was part in the tecnichal equipe. I was major developer of the chess24 Italian first Livestream broadcast.
I am a leading figure in chess photography in Italy. In cooperation with scacchierando, which is the main chess information site in Italy, I publish my pictures. I also work for the main Italian chess periodical “Torre e Cavallo”, cooperating with Ludwig Rettore for articles and reportages inside and outside Italy.
In 2014 I was the official and main photographer of the international event of 90ème Championnat de Paris IdF au stade Charléty (International Paris Championship), in 2015 of the international Italian tournament of Bratto and in 2016 of the great international tournament Edoardo Crespi.
In 2017 I was the main and official photographer at 27th Italian Team Championship in Gallipoli.
A picture of Romanishin, Crespi, 12/2016 1